■ ルワンダのチャイルドと私
■ 日本に暮らしてみて
■ オデットの夢
オデットはミスター・ドーナッツを食べたこともバービー人形やドラエモンと遊んだこともない。そんな少女にも夢がある。はにかみながらも微笑んで 「先生になりたい」と言った。
There she is Looking at me…not blinking… I look away and turn back to see her staring.
Her small eyes sharp -I smile now at her ? the little girl in the picture ? Racheal (meaning Innocent lamb) what a beautiful name ? and her eyes are so intense. Across the many thousand miles, she probably lives in a small village, in a hut, unaware of what lies ahead of her. But I want to see hope in her eyes. I picked up my pen and starting writing ? my first letter to this child in Rwanda.
Living in Japan ? it’s three months now.
The fast pace, the action, the precision, the timeliness, babies on bicycles with their mothers, gracious people and the Mystery of it all… Am loving it!
Also, I am wondering why is everyone in a hurry?
Coming back from Southern part of Democratic Republic of Congo (located in the Heart of Africa) was an awakening ? I understood that the country is blessed with rich mineral wealth (it is said that the estimates is about 24 trillion USD, wow!) and the other natural resources.
It is also said to be one of the worst places for a child to grow up in according to development indicators. What a paradox! Nature’s bounty has also become a curse for this country which is ravaged by insecurity, exploitation by Extractive industry (mining) and governance issues.
I met Odette (photos taken with consent of parent) and her mother who have a mundane life in one of the localities where are ADP (Toyota) is working.
Odette has never eaten at Mister Donut or played with Barbie doll or Doraemon, but she too has a dream as she shyly smiles and says she wants to be a teacher. There is hope, after all.
This was awesome, the hope I saw in many people, in children ? who dream of a safe and prosperous country. Glad to wake up in a part of this dream!
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